In a momentous event held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, Florence “DJ Cuppy” Otedola, renowned international DJ, philanthropist, and education advocate, delivered an inspiring speech that resonated with hundreds of high school students and distinguished guests in attendance. The occasion was the UN International Day of Peace Youth Observance, which took place on September 14, 2023, under the theme “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals.”
DJ Cuppy’s speech ignited hope and motivation as she emphasized the pivotal role of education in fostering peace and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Her message underscored the idea that peace truly begins with our individual actions and choices. The speech was met with enthusiastic applause and resonated deeply with the diverse audience.
“Being here means that you are taking action, and being here means that there is something unique and special about each and every one of you that indicates that you can make the world a better place; you can actually be a changemaker, and that is pretty epic,” DJ Cuppy passionately declared.
As a philanthropist, DJ Cuppy founded the Cuppy Foundation six years ago, dedicated to advancing education and creating opportunities for young people. She shared her personal journey, including her commitment to education and her experience pursuing three university degrees, including one from New York University (NYU). Her determination to combine education with her music career demonstrated her unwavering dedication to making a positive impact.
DJ Cuppy also highlighted the importance of supporting girls’ education and empowerment, sharing a poignant encounter with a young girl named Mariam in Borno state, Nigeria. Mariam’s wish to learn touched DJ Cuppy deeply, reinforcing the urgency of providing education opportunities to girls in challenging circumstances.
She further discussed her foundation’s initiatives, which have impacted over 50,000 Nigerian children and recently partnered with Oxford University to offer scholarships to African students. DJ Cuppy encouraged everyone to take the first step in making a difference, emphasizing that meaningful change begins with effort, not financial resources or social media influence.
In closing, DJ Cuppy expressed her gratitude to the United Nations for the invitation to speak and celebrate International Day of Peace, reminding all attendees that “peace begins with us.”
Her powerful speech left an indelible mark on the audience, inspiring them to embrace education, take action for peace, and contribute to achieving the Global Goals.
For more information regarding Cuppy’s Foundation, visit: